
Let the fierce woman you are within – step up, and show herself. Your time has come to shine!

The world is waiting for you. Love your body. Love your life. It’s your birthright. Let’s do this – together.

Be the woman you were born to be!

No more hiding, no more dieting, no more playing small.

You get to have it all NOW!

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This is where I come in, to help you learn how to get out of your own way – to own your power and take control of your destiny!

I am a Wholeness Coach, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Mindset Specialist, and Weight Loss Expert. I am an International Best-Selling Author, Host, and Speaker. I am a trained Trauma Expert for Wholeness, with a concentration in Disordered Eating and the psychology of self-sabotage. As a Hypnotherapist and Globally Recognized, Body Intuitive with a background in Fitness and Mind-Body Connection, I am dedicated to helping women become unstoppable through reprogramming their subconscious minds and clearing self-sabotage cycles through my proven MK Method.

The MK Method to Wholeness is a 4-Part holistic method in working on the physical (body), emotional, mindset, and psycho-spiritual levels, so my clients unlock their potential to thrive, fully owning their power, using their voice, and standing in their worth. My soul mission is to bring women back to the truth of who they are – to be Whole.

I have been a featured TEDx speaker and have been featured on New York Live, The CW, US Weekly, NBC, ABC, Parade, Parents, Reader’s Digest, and many more. I am also a writer for publications such as Real Simple, Mind Body Green, and Shape Magazine.


I specialize in WHOLENESS, helping women feel worthy, empowered, expressed.

I am a Body Intuitive, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Emotional Eating and Trauma Healer, Hypnotherapist, International Best-Selling Author, and Speaker. I’m dedicated to freeing women from all limiting beliefs by reprogramming their subconscious mind, healing traumas with inner child work, and clearing self-sabotage cycles while also teaching self-healing. With my MK Method, I use a holistic approach in working with the physical and psycho-spiritual levels to free women to thrive in a body they love, fully owning their power, using their voice and standing in their worth. My soul mission is to bring women back to the truth of who they are.

I am a featured TEDx speaker, featured on New York Live, The CW, NBC, ABC, Parade, Parents, Reader’s Digest, and many more. I am also a writer for publications such as Real Simple, Mind Body Green, and Shape Magazine. My show, “Wholeness,” is featured on LA Talk Radio on Wednesdays at 1pm PT/4pm ET.



“I decided to join the Whole Woman program because I was feeling ready for the next level in my life and I knew I needed support (and a gentle nudge) to get there. I’m glad I made the decision to join!

One big win is that I’ve been able to cut out the constant sugar snacking that I had fallen into over the past few months and wasn’t able to stop. I’ve re-prioritized my health in a way that I just couldn’t get myself to before this program.

The way Melissa helps you connect with your whole self through this program is incredibly powerful. I absolutely recommend The Whole Woman, it’s amazing what you can achieve in only 8 weeks!


“I stepped out of the action mindset of all the positive things that I am currently doing and took a moment to acknowledge how far I’ve come since I began this journey.

As Melissa mentions THE internal work is essential. This photo is a visual of all of the internal work that I have accomplished.

I have managed to kick sugar and sabotaging emotional eating while going through a marriage separation, outstanding taxes, confronting financial hangover while being a single mum and re-entering the dating world.

Am I kind to myself every moment of every day… not YET. However, each day I am gentle on myself.”


“I feel like I have known you all of my life and we are like kindred spirits.  The experience with you and your programs was just what I needed at this time in my life. 

I needed to wake up and you helped me see that!  I have never taken the time to get to know me and be so real with myself, totally open, honest and real.  I thank you so much for being in my life and if you ever need anything from me–just holla!  I love you with all of my heart!


“Melissa’s teachings have made a huge difference to my life. I now see that I’m living my best life and
enjoying it.

I have a confidence and a conviction in myself that means I don’t need permissions and affirmations from others around me. I am me and that’s okay. Just as I am – not perfect but the best I know how. My opinion of me has changed. I get to choose and I have decided that happy is good.”


“Melissa, you have been an angel in my life. I will forever be grateful to you for helping me overcome my emotional attachment to food.

You helped me to see that I am enough exactly as I am and helped me to heal through some personal past trauma.

You got me reconnected to my spiritual side that was a huge void for me and mostly you helped me rediscover joy in my life. Thank you.”


“9 months ago I started working with Melissa, I was totally lost, struggled to get through my work days, in burnout, comforting myself with food and bingeing sleepless nights. Everything felt like an endless battle, and I was my worst enemy.

Express your darkness, let yourself feel it. Don’t let the perfectionist take the artist in you – was the words Melissa told me on our first call. I felt immediate release back then and it’s been my guiding light through my journey. “Express your darkness” is written on my mirror and I have learned to love it, to honor all the pain. It leads me back to my truth if you just allow yourself to fell it.

I have no words to describe how lucky and grateful I am to have met Melissa and the community of other amazing queens that I have gotten to know and have learned so much from, who support me a send their loving energy. I love you all!”


“I am so thankful to have found Melissa. In just 1 month of working with her, I have experienced an unbelievable amount of change.

I fell more connected to myself and my family than ever before. I feel more present in my life and I’m focusing on the positives instead of the negatives. I’m making peace with my past. I am happier in my marriage and less stressed out keeping up with my almost 2 year-old daughter.

I have lost 11 pounds and the crazy part is that Melissa has yet to discuss food with me. I feel better in my skin and am just making wiser food choices for myself.

Melissa is magical in knowing exactly what I need, when I need it. I just love her to pieces and am so grateful for all that she has done for me!”

Mary Kate

“In the past, I would binge on sweets for days and sometimes weeks afterward, gain weight, lose confidence, go on a diet, and repeat the process. I was on this terrible treadmill for decades.

But today, because of my work with Melissa, I take a totally different path. I am elated I now have a successful method of handling unsettled feelings when they arise so I don’t go down the binge eating path ever again!

Melissa is an awe-inspiring transformational coach that has changed my life in so many ways. My binge eating issue is just one example of what I have been able to conquer with her help!”

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